Other Official Documents Related to the Law of War

In addition to the DoD Law of War Manual, the following official documents related to U.S. military practice in the law of war may be useful to DoD personnel, including legal practitioners. See the official treaty documents related to the law of war for more information.

For many years, the Department of State has published annually the Digest of United States Practice in International Law (Digest). The Digest has provided a historical record of the views and practice of the U.S. Government in public and private international law.

This webpage is a work-in-progress, and we hope to update it with additional documents. If you have any comments, such as suggestions for other useful documents to include, please let us know by emailing us.

Department of Defense Documents:

Department of Defense Directives:

Department of Defense Instructions:

Public Remarks Regarding the Law of War

U.S. Documents Regarding Civilian Casualties:

U.S. Working Papers to the CCW Group of Government Experts on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems:

  • U.S. Commentaries on the Guiding Principles, Sept. 1, 2020
  • U.S. Working Paper, Draft articles on autonomous weapon systems – prohibitions and other regulatory measures on the basis of international humanitarian law (“IHL”) (2023): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.1/2023/WP.4/Rev.2
  • U.S. Working Paper, Principles and Good Practices on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (2022): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.1/2022/WP.2
  • U.S. Working Paper, Building on Chile’s Proposed Four Elements of Further Work for the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) (2021): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.1/2021/WP.2
  • U.S. Working Paper, Implementing International Humanitarian Law in the Use of Autonomy in Weapon Systems (2019): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.1/2019/WP.5
  • U.S. Working Paper, Human-Machine Interaction in the Development, Deployment, and Use of Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons (2018): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.2/2018/WP.4
  • U.S. Working Paper, Humanitarian benefits of emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapon systems (2018): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.1/2018/WP.4
  • U.S. Working Paper, Autonomy in Weapon Systems (2017): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.1/2017/WP.6
  • U.S. Working Paper, Characteristics of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (2017): U.N. Doc. CCW/GGE.1/2017/WP.7