DoD Call Memo Package

Fiscal Year 2016


  • Timeline for FY 2016 DoD Legislative Program (.pdf) [View]
  • OLC Detailed Guidelines for Preparation of Legislative Proposals (.pdf) [View]
  • Coordination Requirement; Disposition of Late Proposals; Legislative Review Panel (.pdf) [View]
  • Sample Proposal Template (.pdf) [View]
  • Checklist for Preparation of Legislative Proposals (.pdf) [View]
  • OLC Guidance for Drafting Legislative Text (.pdf) [View]
  • Legislative Proposals Funded by Other Components (.pdf) [View]
  • Legislative Proposal PB-16 Exhibit Template (.xlsx) [View]
  • Directions for Submissions to Repeal, Modify or Consolidate Existing Reporting Requirements (.pdf) [View]
  • Worksheet for Submissions to Repeal, Modify, or Consolidate Statutory Reporting Requirements (.pdf) [View]
  • Information Required for Submission to Repeal, Modify or Consolidate Statutory Reporting Requirement (.xls) [View]


This page was last updated on
06/12/2019 08:25:16